Nepatogus teatras – nepatogus ir ministerijai, finansavimo negaus

Vilniuje, Baltupiuose įsikūręs AAT Artūro Areimos teatras sulaukė žinių, jog 2020 m. veiklai Kultūros ministerijos finansavimo negaus.

Nonkomformistiškumas, alternatyvi kultūra valstybiniuose prioritetuose visada lieka paskutinė eilėje ir kaip atsitiko AAT atveju, dažnai nebeperlipa finansavimo kartelės.

Komerciškai nepopuliarūs, idėjiniai kultūros decentralizavimo mieste sprendimai, veikimas periferiniuose Vilniaus miesto rajonuose pavieniui padaro tokį Sizifo darbą rajonų atgaivinime, kad jei bent jau dalis miesto savivaldybės sumų, skiriamų miesto plėtros ir rajonų atgaivinimo schemoms ir strategijoms, būtų skiriama tokių smulkių, nepriklausomų kultūrinių įstaigų veiklos finansavimui visam Vilniui nebereikėtų važiuoti į miesto centrą.

Kultūrinis gyvenimas virtų ir Baltupiuose, ir Fabijoniškėse, ir Karoliniškėse. Kultūra pasiektų mus ten, kur mes gyvename, ja naudotis galėtų daugiau miesto gyventojų, skirtingų jų grupių.

Deja, dažnai šių įstaigų didžiulio, menkai finansuojamo tačiau, kaip paaiškėja vėliau, aiškiai ekonomiškai reikšmingo darbo vaisius skina nekilnojamojo turto bendrovės (pvz. pasivaikščiokite po Stotį, Naujamiestį). Kurios negana to dar dažnai ir išrauna šias įstaigas su šaknimis, jei ne dėl pakilusių turto nuomos kainų tai dėl naujakuriams neįtinkančių „per garsiai šnekančių gatvėje sustojusių žmonių”, „per daug alternatyvos” ir „įterpkite bet kokią kitą kvailą priežastį susišvietusią galvoje žmogaus, kuris atėjęs į metus puoselėtą ir žmonių kurtą erdvę bei bendruomenę pradeda aiškinti kaip nori gyventi JIS”.

Kada pagaliau mūsų visų atstovai supras, kad įvairios, kokybiškos kultūros pasiūlos lygis mieste yra vertas adekvataus finansinio palaikymo, o kiekvienos tokios įstaigos praradimas yra didžiulė netektis Vilniui, jo žmonėms, jo menininkams, net ir jo ekonomikai?

Vilniaus naktinį aljansą sukūrėme tam, kad kalbėtume apie Vilniaus miesto ‘neoficialiosios’, ‘tabu’, ’politiškai nepatrauklios’, ‘spreadsheet’uose ekonomiškai nereikšmingos’ kultūros svarbą. Nors nei vieno iš mūsų ateitis nėra aiški, bet mūsų įsitikinimai apie kultūros įstaigų veiklos kuriamą reikšmę ir vertę Vilniuje kaip niekada stiprūs. Ketiname kiek galime padėti kultūros įstaigoms, Vilnių savo darbais darančioms tokiu miestu, kuriame gera gyventi visiems.

Perskaityk teatro atvirą laišką – paspausk čią

Jei galite ir norite prisidėkite:

Artūro Areimos teatras
LT87 7044 0600 0799 7928
Donation Reference: Parama AAT veiklai

Manifesto For The Night Time Economy

„Whether in a major capital city or a small market town, there are key features of a great night time economy.
  • First, it attracts every sector of the population, regardless of age, race, gender, sexuality or physical or mental ability.
  • Second, it caters for every interest, whether that is eating, drinking, dancing, music, performance or merely gathering.
  • Third, it is attractive to all income groups. Nobody should be excluded from the night time economy on grounds of wealth.
  • Fourth, it should be accessible, whether by public or private transport, or on foot, at all hours.
  • Fifth, it should be safe and amenable, through good signage, lighting, access and security; for a diverse range of users throughout the day and night.
The principles are easy to state. The goals can only be attained through partnership, planning and investment.“


The Urban Night: a Space Time for Innovation

"The objective of 11th issue of Articulo – Journal of Urban Research - is to examine the urban night as an innovative space-time on different scales and in different geographic contexts.

In the introduction, authors remind the the reader that the night has often been approached negatively. Process of colonization of the night and the pressures and strains experienced by the individuals, communities, organizations and neighborhoods of the “polychronic city” are examined.

Second part is dedicated to the innovations unfolding in cities at night in different fields: economic, social, environmental and cultural.

Last section explores the possible contributions of “night studies” to urban nights, urban planning and sustainable development."

Access the journal:

Data mining confirms that culture makes cities richer, MIT

„There are numerous examples of poor neighborhoods that have become prosperous after attracting creative individuals and industries. <...> “We are able to show that economic capital alone does not explain urban development,” say Hristova and co. “The combination of cultural capital and economic capital is more indicative of neighbourhood growth in terms of house prices and improvements of socio-economic conditions.““

Read the full article:

Agent of Change - A neighbourly policy for the mixed-use 24/7 city

„Imagine, you just moved into a newly built apartment (lucky you!). However, you soon discover that a nightclub next door is creating a lot of noise, too much, actually, to get a good night’s sleep. So, who’s at fault? The nightclub for causing a disturbance in a residential neighbourhood? Or you, for not doing your research?

new policy proposed by the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, states

it is the developer’s fault.“

Read the article.



Music is a vital urban resource. How do we plan for it? World Economic Forum

„Over the past decade, a growing number of cities are recognising that in order to maximise the economic, social and cultural value of music, it must be considered in land use, regeneration, tourism, education and economic-development policies.“

Source: Sound Diplomacy

Read the full article:

Dancing VS the State Series, VICE

„Back in December 2016 the underground dance scene made international headlines when a deadly fire broke out at Oakland live/work space the Ghost Ship—killing 36 people, and raising serious questions around the safety of sub-legal music spaces. As VICE explore in its' series, the tragedy raised fears of a nation-wide crackdown on music venues by law enforcement. For some, it triggered wider existential conversations about the ways authorities try to control and contain our fundamental human impulse to congregate in public and express ourselves through music and dance—usually under the pretext of keeping us safe, but too often with the effect of depriving certain communities of the only real-world spaces where they feel safe to begin with.“

Check out all the series here:

All the Times in American History That Authorities Tried to Stop People From Dancing

You Have Rights When You're at The Club—Know Them

How to Throw a Party That's Safe—No Matter Where You're Throwing It

We Talk About How to Party Safer on Episode 3 of The Thump Podcast

How Toronto's Electronic Community Fought the City's Rave Ban and Won

The Racist Legacy of NYC’s Anti-Dancing Law

The Lessons 'Footloose' Can Teach Us About Political Resistance

Are Sex Parties Legal? We Spoke to A Veteran Promoter To Find Out

Inside the German Electro Classic That Taught Anti-Fascists How to Party

How Mayor Giuliani Decimated New York City Nightlife

The Story of NYC's Biggest Music Venue That Almost Never Happened

Montreal's Stonewall: How the Sex Garage Raid Mobilized a Generation of LGBT Activists

Is Sydney Finally Ready to Be a Party City Again?

7 Movie Scenes That Show the Uneasy Relationship Between Clubs and the Law


24-hour cities: Where urban planners take the night-time economy seriously

„Twenty-four-hour cafés, supermarkets, cinemas and gyms give residents and visitors a freedom to use their day unhindered by the rules that govern a nine-to-five town. But as increasing numbers of people around the world move into cities, experts believe we are at a critical point where planners need to start taking the night-time economy seriously. "About 80 per cent of the cities in the world are developing plans to think about themselves strategically," says Michele Acuto, the director of the City Leadership Laboratory at University College London. "And yet the amount of those that take into account and plan strategically for the night is extremely limited.“

Read the full article:

Opinion: Nightlife activism needs real organization, Resident Advisor

"In cities around the world, nightclubs and nightlife culture face a host of obstacles. Last call or curfew times are often rigid and too early. Bureaucratic red tape strangles creative endeavours before they get off the ground, while bylaws around zoning and noise can bring down existing venues and prevent new ones from opening. These aren't impossible problems to fix, but only governments—usually municipal governments—possess the power to mitigate these issues. In many places, they don't. In order for nightlife culture and underground electronic music events to survive, we must work to push and lobby the people who represent us, the people who make the rules."

Read the full article:

A Guide To Managing Your Night Time Economy

Konsultacijų ir tyrimų įmonės Sound Diplomacy sukurtos naktinės ekonomikos valdymo gairės atsako kas yra naktinė ekonomika, kuo ji skiriasi nuo dienos meto, kokios yra pagrindinės interesų grupės bei kodėl nakties ekonomika turėtų rūpėti kiekvienam miestui ir jo gyventojui.

„Deja, bet ne visų miestų valdysenos organai geba pateikti problemų sprendimus visoms 24 valandas per parą kylančioms problemoms mieste, nes dauguma miestų buvo sukurti dienos meto veikloms, bet retas miestas buvo suplanuotas nakčiai.“

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